Thursday, 11 December 2014

योनि और लिंग को मजबूत बनाने के लिये शुतुरमुर्गासन करें ?

योनि और लिंग को मजबूत बनाने के लिये शुतुरमुर्गासन करें ?

योनि और लिंग को मजबूत बनाने के लिये शुतुरमुर्गासन करनी चाहिए। इससे स्त्री पुरूष दोनों को शारीरिक और मानसिक दोनों रूप से फायदा होता है। यह स्त्री के ढीले योनि को कस कर टाइट एवं मजबूत बनाता है जिससे संभोग का पूरा लुफ्त वो उठा पाती हैं। इससे स्त्री की योनि मजबूत बनती है। कमरदर्द दूर होता है। गर्भाशय एवं पेट का शोधन होता है। मनोबल बढ़ता है। पुरुषों में शुतुरमुर्गासन को करने से हाथों के बल रहकर ज्यादा देर तक संभोग करने की शक्ति पैदा होती है और लिंग को स्त्री की योनि में प्रवेश कराने में भी आसानी होती है।

शुतुरमुर्गासन करने की विधि - शुतुरमुर्गासन को करने के लिए सबसे पहले सीधे खडे़ हो जाएं। अब आगे की ओर झुककर दोनों हाथों को जमीन पर टिका लें। इसके बाद पैरों की एड़ियों को उठाकर पैर के पंजों तथा हाथ की हथेलियों को जमीन से उठाकर सिर्फ उंगलियों को खोलकर जमीन से लगाकर रखें। अपने पूरे शरीर को पैर और हाथ की उंगलियों के आधार पर रखें। अंत में हाथों को जमीन पर रखकर धीरे-धीरे ऊपर की ओर उठें।

माहवारी सम्बन्धी समस्याएं

माहवारी सम्बन्धी समस्याएं
पीड़ा दायक माहवारी क्या होती है?

पीड़ा दायक माहवारी मे निचले उदर में ऐंठनभरी पीड़ा होती है। किसी औरत को तेज दर्द हो सकता है जो आता और जाता है या मन्द चुभने वाला दर्द हो सकता है। इन से पीठ में दर्द हो सकता है। दर्द कई दिन पहले भी शुरू हो सकता है और माहवारी के एकदम पहले भी हो सकता है। माहवारी का रक्त स्राव कम होते ही सामान्यतः यह खत्म हो जाता है।

पीड़ादायक माहवारी का आप घर पर क्या उपचार कर सकते हैं?
निम्नलिखित उपचार हो सकता है कि आपको पर्चे पर लिखी दवाओं से बचा सकें।
(1) अपने उदर के निचले भाग (नाभि से नीचे) गर्म सेक करें। ध्यान रखें कि सेंकने वाले पैड को रखे-रखे सो मत जाएं।
(2) गर्म जल से स्नान करें।
(3) गर्म पेय ही पियें।
(4) निचले उदर के आसपास अपनी अंगुलियों के पोरों से गोल गोल हल्की मालिश करें।
(5) सैर करें या नियमित रूप से व्यायाम करें और उसमें श्रेणी को घुमाने वाले व्यायाम भी करें।
(6) साबुत अनाज, फल और सब्जियों जैसे मिश्रित कार्बोहाइड्रेटस से भरपूर आहार लें पर उसमें नमक, चीनी, मदिरा एवं कैफीन की मात्रा कम हो।
(7) हल्के परन्तु थोड़े-थोड़े अन्तराल पर भोजन करें।
(8) ध्यान अथवा योग जैसी विश्राम परक तकनीकों का प्रयोग करें।
(9) नीचे लेटने पर अपनी टांगे ऊंची करके रखें या घुटनों को मोड़कर किसी एक ओर सोयें।

पीड़ादायक माहवारी के लिए डाक्टर से कब परामर्श लेना चाहिए?
यदि स्व-उपचार से लगातार तीन महीने में दर्द ठीक न हो या रक्त के बड़े-बड़े थक्के निकलते हों तो डाक्टर से परामर्श लेना चाहिए। यदि माहवारी होने के पांच से अधिक दिन पहले से दर्द होने लगे और माहवारी के बाद भी होती रहे तब भी डाक्टर के पास जाना जाहिए।

माहवारी से पहले की स्थिति के क्या लक्षण हैं?
माहवारी होने से पहले (पीएमएस) के लक्षणों का नाता माहवारी चक्र से ही होता है। सामान्यतः ये लक्षण माहवारी शुरू होने के 5 से 11 दिन पहले शुरू हो जाते हैं। माहवारी शुरू हो जाने पर सामान्यतः लक्षण बन्द हो जाते हैं या फिर कुछ समय बाद बन्द हो जाते हैं। इन लक्षणों में सिर दर्द, पैरों में सूजन, पीठ दर्द, पेट में मरोड़, स्तनों का ढीलापन अथवा फूल जाने की अनुभूति होती है।

पी.एम.एस. (माहवारी से पहले बीमारी) के कारण क्या हैं?
पी.एम.एस. का कारण जाना नहीं जा सका है। यह अधिकतर 20 से 40 वर्षों की औरतों में होता है, एक बच्चे की मां या जिनके परिवार में कभी कोई दबाव में रहा हो, या पहले बच्चे के होने के बाद दबाव के कारण कोई महिला बीमार रही हो- उन्हें होता है।

पी.एम.एस (माहवारी के पहले की बीमारी) का घर पर कैसे इलाज हो सकता है?
पी.एम.एस के स्व- उपचार में शामिल है- (1) नियमित व्यायाम - प्रतिदिन 20 मिनट से आधे घंटे तक, जिसमें तेज चलना और साईकिल चलाना भी शामिल है। (2) आहारपरक उपाय साबुत अनाज, सब्जियों और फलों को बढ़ाने तथा नमक, चीनी एवं कॉफी को घटाने या बिल्कुल बन्द करने से लाभ हो सकता है। (3) दैनिक डायरी बनायें या रोज का रिकार्ड रखें कि लक्षण कैसे थे, कितने तेज थे और कितनी देर तक रहे। लक्षणों की डायरी कम से कम तीन महीने तक रखें। इससे डाक्टर को न केवल सही निदान ढ़ंढने मे मदद मिलेगी, उपचार की उचित विधि बताने में भी सहायता मिलेगी। (4) उचित विश्राम भी महत्वपूर्ण है।

माहवारी के स्राव को कब भारी माना जाता है?
यदि लगातार छह घन्टे तक हर घंटे सैनेटरी पैड स्राव को सोख कर भर जाता है तो उसे भारी पीरियड कहा जाता है।

भारी माहवारी के स्राव के सामाय कारण क्या हैं?
भारी माहवारी स्राव के कारणों में शामिल है - (1) गर्भाषय के अस्तर में कुछ निकल आना। (2) जिसे अपक्रियात्मक गर्भाषय रक्त स्राव कहा जाता है। जिस की व्याख्या नहीं हो पाई है। (3) थायराइड ग्रन्थि की समस्याएं (4) रक्त के थक्के बनने का रोग (5) अंतरा गर्भाषय उपकरण (6) दबाव।

लम्बा माहवारी पीरियड किसे कहते हैं?
लम्बा पीरियड वह है जो कि सात दिन से भी अधिक चले।

लम्बे माहवारी पीरियड के सामान्य के कारण क्या हैं?
(1)अण्डकोष में पुटि (2) कई बार कारण पता नहीं चलता तो उसे अपक्रियात्मक गर्भाषय रक्त स्राव कहते हैं (3) रक्त स्राव में खराबी और थक्के रोकने के लिए ली जाने वाली दवाईयां (4) दबाव के कारण माहवारी पीरियड लम्बा हो सकता है।

अनियमित माहवारी पीरियड क्या होता है?
अनियमित माहवारी पीरियड वह होता है जिसमें अवधि एक चक्र से दूसरे चक्र तक लम्बी हो सकती है, या वे बहुत जल्दी-जल्दी होने लगते हैं या असामान्य रूप से लम्बी अवधि से बिल्कुल बिखर जाते हैं।

किशोरावस्था के पहले कुछ वर्षों में अनियमित पीरियड़ होना क्या सामान्य बात है?
हां, शुरू में पीरियड अनियमित ही होते हैं। हो सकता है कि लड़की को दो महीने में एक बार हो या एक महीने में दो बार हो जाए, समय के साथ-साथ वे नियमित होते जाते हैं।

अनियमित माहवारी के कारण क्या है?
जब पीरियड असामन्य रूप में जल्दीर-जल्दी होते हैं तो उनके कारण होते हैं- (1) अज्ञात कारणों से इन्डोमिट्रोसिस हो जाता है जिससे जननेद्रिय में पीड़ा होती है और जल्दी-जल्दी रक्त स्राव होता है। (2) कभी-कभी कारण स्पष्ट नहीं होता तब कहा जाता है कि महिला को अपक्रियात्मक गर्भाषय रक्तस्राव है। (3) अण्डकोष की पुष्टि (4) दबाव।

सामान्य पांच दिन की अपेक्षा अगर माहवारी रक्त स्राव दो या चार दिन के लिए चले तो चिन्ता का कोई कारण होता है?
नहीं, चिन्ता की कोई जरूरत नहीं। समय के साथ पीरियड का स्वरूप बदलता है, एक चक्र से दूसरे चक्र में भी बदल जाता है।

भारी, लम्बे और अनियमित पीरियड होने पर क्या करना चाहिए?
(1) माहवारी चक्र का रिकॉर्ड रखें- कब खत्म हुए, कितना स्राव हुआ (कितने पैड में काम में आए उनकी संख्या नोट करें और वे कितने भीगे थे) और अन्य कोई लक्षण आप ने महसूस किया हो तो उसे भी शामिल करें। (2) यदि तीन महीने से ज्यादा समय तक समस्या चलती रहे तो डाक्टर से परामर्श करें।

माहवारी का अभाव क्या होता है?
यदि 16 वर्ष की आयु तक माहवारी न हो तो उसे माहवासी अभाव कहते हैं। कारण है- (1) औरत के जनन तंत्र में जन्म से होने वाला विकास (2) योनि (योनिच्छद) के प्रवेशद्वारा की झिल्ली में रास्ते की कमी (3) मस्तिष्क की ग्रन्थियों में रोग।

Sunday, 7 December 2014

सेक्स के दौरान लड़की के योनी में क्लिटोरीस को अंगुली से उत्तेजित करने के तरीके

सेक्स के दौरान लड़की के योनी में क्लिटोरीस को अंगुली से उत्तेजित करने के तरीके
Most women masturbate by rubbing a finger or two over their clitoris, sometimes "through" the skin of their inner or outer lips, in a circular or back-and-forth motion.

When performing the following, make sure that your fingers are well lubricated. There is nothing more uncomfortable (and painful) than a dry finger roughly rubbed across a woman's clitoris or pushed inside. In most cases, proper foreplay stimulating a woman's erogenous zones will usually avoid the problem of dryness. Nevertheless, it never hurts to keep a "tube of lube" sitting nearby.

Most women masturbate by rubbing a finger or two over their clitoris, sometimes "through" the skin of their inner or outer lips, in a circular or back-and-forth motion.

Labial Massage

Place a well lubricated hand over her labia, fingers pointing towards her anus. Pull up toward the navel and alternate hands. Explore the inner and outer lips with your fingers. Pull gently on one lip and then the other. Rub the outer lips gently between your forefinger and thumb, then the inner lips.

A-One and A-Two and a-Three

Try inserting your first two fingers into her vagina, then arch your thumb back 'hitch-hiker' style and thrust in until your thumb rests against her clitoris. Now wriggle, twist, thrust, and vibrate your hand to drive her wild.

Close But No Cigar

If your partner has a particular spot that they like to have licked or caressed, try doing so very close to but not quite on that spot. This trick will make them take longer to reach their orgasm, but they will likely have a much stronger, more powerful orgasm when they finally do.

Push Here to Start

Gently insert one finger deeply into her vagina and, when she's ready, insert a second. Then take your thumb and place it against her anus (Don't insert it). Press against her anus while you move your fingers inside her vagina.

Tap Dancing

Place the palm of your hand on her mons (the mound where her pubic hair is), and rest your fingers lightly on her vaginal lips. Rest your thumb on her thigh. Lightly but firmly press your palm onto her mons and begin to move your hand in a tiny circular motion. Your palm should not slide too much over her skin during this process. Rather, her skin should move underneath it. Repeat this process until you have done ten circles. You then raise your fingers and lightly tap her vaginal lips about once a second until you have given her ten taps. After giving the taps, rest your hand for five to ten seconds. Then repeat the whole routine over and over.

Cervix Clock

A woman's cervix can usually be found in the upper rear part of her vagina. The cervix feels like a little dome of tissue, and may also have a small cleft in the middle, like your chin. Carefully stimulate the area surrounding the cervix. Some women may enjoy this and want you to do it more often; others won't.

From the Outside

Lay your free hand over the lower part of your partner's abdomen. Experiment by applying different kinds of pressure with the top hand while fingers from your other hand are inside her vagina.


An excellent way to learn more about pleasing your partner is to rest your fingers over hers while she is masturbating herself. Then do the reverse, with her fingers acting as guides for your own.

Off the Edge

Another form of genital massage can be done by holding a lubricated vaginal lip between your thumb and forefinger. While squeezing just a little, pull your fingers straight away from the woman's body. Your fingers will end up in the air an inch or two above her body. If she likes this, repeat it often.


After applying lubrication, it might be nice to begin with one of the large outer lips. Place the lip between your thumb and forefinger, clasping it at the base where it attaches to the main part of the woman's body. Then run your fingers (or fingertip) from the lower to upper part of the lip, as though you were tracing one side of a parenthesis. Repeat this as long as your partner's feedback is positive.

Four Directions

With two fingers press firmly up/side/down/side in her vagina, eight times each side.

Gentle Touch and Tickle

Tickle the clitoris extremely lightly.

Healing Thrust

Some women might need and want good, hard, deep, vigorous thrusting penetration. Be sure to keep her relaxed - don't let her get tensed.

Pinch and Pull

Gently pinch and pull on the clitoris.

Rock Around the Clit

With your forefinger make tiny circles, stopping at every 'hour'.

Temple Gate Tease

With one finger, tickle her vaginal opening as lightly as possible.

Tour de France

Orbit your forefinger around between her inner and outer labia from perineum to above her clitoris.

Triple Digit Pet

Use your three longest fingers, with your middle finger gliding along the outside of her vaginal opening and your other two fingers running along the area where her thigh meets her labia.

Twist and Shout

Using one or more fingers, massage in and out while twisting at the wrist.

How to finger a girl?

How to finger a girl?

सेक्स के दौरान लड़की के योनी में अंगुली डालकर उत्तेजित कैसे करें?
संभोग के दौरान लड़की के योनी में अंगुली डालकर चरम सुख कैसे दें?
In their teenage most guys want to know about fingering a girl. Fingering for some girls is more innocent process (but with the same pleasure) than if you'd try to do it with your penis, and this is actually the best way to seduce her. This is a great technique to find out what she likes in sex and know about her sexually sensitive spots. If you are trying to finger her for the first time, you have more chances to get everything you want if you're really self-confident and charismatic person. You can improve your self-confidence and build the "alpha-male" personality. This article is related to the technique but not the psychological aspect of the seduction process, so let's begin.

Step 1
The first step is to massage her mound with palm. Tell her to gently ride your palms to start with.

Step 2
Apply some lubricant to your fingertip and trace the outer of her vagina to know how wet she is. Also lubricant will help her glide over your fingers smoothly. Gently touch her clitoris and her opening. Start very slow at first and then gradually move up and down or side movements.

Step 3
Soon she will become excited and then you can put a finger into her vagina but very gently. Insert your finger as far as it can go, may be upto secong or knucke. If you know her G spot, rub it with a circular motion that is smooth and regular. Now start with the finger intercourse moving your finger in and out of her vagina. At the same time use the thumb of the same hand to massage her clitoris. You should have a rhythm and coordination that is perfect.

Step 4
When she really gets to a high point, her breathing will change and vagina muscles will flex against your hand movements. To help build her orgasm, it is advisable to push your fingers against her thrusts. Continue stimulating her with the regular rhythm. Rhythm is important because it gives her the orgasm and stopping it might result in her losing the sensation and orgasm altogether. So even if she starts to moan or groan and scream don't stop the rhythmic stimulation.
Useful Tips:
• Your nails should not be sharp or have rough edges, otherwise you might hurt her.
• Before you insert your fingers into her vagina ask her, because many girls don't like that idea. Or if you don't want to ask, just insert a little of your fingers into her and her body language will tell you about her comfort level.
• Rest the palm of your hand on her mon. this will be less stressful to you and the movement you will get through this will be similar to when she herself does the fingering. Be sure not to move the palm, because the movement might irritate her because of the hair on her mons.

69 sex position - the position of mutual sucking

69 sex position - the position of mutual sucking
The "69" position is where one lover lies head to tail over the other and each gives the other simultaneous oral stimulation. Oral stimulation in this position will work comfortably if her mouth is large enough for his penis and if he doesn't thrust violently. Totally engorging the erect penis in her mouth she presses and caresses his testicles, allowing her saliva to flow over them.

Pressing the cheeks of her buttocks apart, the man is able to caress the widely opened lips of her vulva with the tip of his tongue at his pleasure, likewise titillating her anus with his tongue. He could also stimulate her clitoris. If you are a couple who enjoy licking and probing the genitals with the tongue, then this can be a tremendously exciting route to simultaneous orgasm.

Gazelle and the Stallion Sex position

Gazelle and the Stallion Sex position
This position has the great advantage of triggering strong vaginal sensations for the woman. The upper area of the vagina is excited very much indeed by the glans and the shaft of the penis introduced horizontally. To accentuate this massage even more, the woman allows her head to fall backwards to the ground and, still holding onto her lover's wrists and with her buttocks resting on his thighs, she takes up his penis, which keeps her balance, greedily for its whole length.

This position helps woman to have more control on pleasure because the sexual energy flows along the spine to the head, generating an elevated type of orgasm. The standing position of the man offers him more control over the intensity of pleasure in order to avoid ejaculatory orgasm.

Penetration with Deep Backward Movement Sex Position Variant 1

Penetration with Deep Backward Movement Sex Position Variant 1
The lovers place themselves so, that his member is aimed at her buttocks from the rear. When he inserts hid penis into the woman's vulva, he pulls her pelvis up to the level of his own waist and at the same time forces her to incline the upper part of her body forwards. To mantain better balance so that he can convey to her his full vigour, she supports herself on her lover's ankles.

The way the vagina is massaged by the penis and the penis is suckled by the vulva gives the pair a deep feeling of yearning in this massage position. The man would have strong muscles at his arms and legs for mantaining this position as long as is necessary to get the non-ejaculatory orgasm. The woman has a good control of the pleasure intensity in this position and therefore she can help the man by stopping the movement when she feels that he attains the preorgastic level.

Climbing the tree sex position

Climbing the tree sex position - Beautiful and rewarding positions in the Kama Sutra
This is one of the most beautiful and rewarding positions in the Kama Sutra. The woman standing next to the man wraps her legs stretched more or less high around him, as if she wants to climb a tree - with the difference that she uses his penis as a strong branch to prevent her falling.

The lovers face each other and they can exchange all manner of caresses, pinching and kissing each other, their looks reciprocally registering their mounting lust. This position is very good for raising the sexual energy along the spine. The lovers will feel different kind of orgasm according to the level at which they raise the sexual energy.

Penetrating the eye Sex Position

Penetrating the eye Sex Position
Lodging his member more in the opening very tightly closed by her buttocks and -to underscore his dominance -smacking her on the bottom and rubbing it warm with one hand, he takes hold of her clitoris with the other, his lover being unable to refuse his caresses. Her movements of joy and pleasure accentuate the man's craving considerably, so that the woman has to stop when she feels his lover is closed to ejaculatory orgasm.

Then the man still lodged in the woman's bottom kneels down on the bed. His partner sits up, so that she touches his chest with her breasts. With one hand he massages her labia and clitoris and can even masturbate her, if he feels the movements of her pelvis are fierce enough. With the other hand he massages her breasts that have grown erectile from his exciting caresses, while his fingers invest her genitals.

Pivot - Best Sex Position for girl

The Pivot Position – Best way for girl to takes up just the length of his penis and pinches nipples by him.
During intercourse the woman turns right around the man like a horizontal wheel around a vertical axis. Taking advantage of his position, the man caresses her and pinches her nipples. She can fondle the chest of the reclining man, whose penis uses her like a pivot in flesh and blood.

By squirming and raising herself a little, she takes up just the length of his penis she wants to feel in herself. "The pivot" position helps both the man and the woman to have a good mental concentration. That's why this position is recommended for men who have started to practice sexual continence.

Seesawing Sex Position

Seesawing Sex Position
Seesawing Sex Position - in order to penetrate her open vagina anew

Sitting slightly in front of the man's thights, she only takes in part of his penis, so that either of them can control the length inserted alternately. Kneeling she can stroke the man's legs;

suporting himself on his arms and making brief thrusts with his pelvis he comes to meet her halfway or acts as if he were going to withdraw totally, living her almost completely in order to penetrate her open vagina anew, which is very moist in this position. This provides her with a very pleasant massage upwards.

Buttering Sex Position

Buttering Sex Position
Buttering Sex Position - Extraordinary massage of G-spot

Firmly planted in the rear opening, the man turns round such that he is able to support his body on palms and on the tip of the toes. In this position the man can make come-and-go movements as well as circular ones. The woman won't stay passive, but will answer with soft movements of the pelvis according to the ones made by the man.

In the "buttering" position the man procures for the woman an extraordinary massage of her G-spot, so that few women can resist as such stimulation without having a profound orgasm (of course we are talking about non-ejaculatory orgasm). If the man feels that he is get close to the climax he has to stop moving and focus his attention in the heart area in order to sublimate the sexual energy. This is available for the woman too.

The Concealed Door Sex Position

The Concealed Door Sex Position
The man lies on the woman. She encompasses his thighs, prepared to take him up to the hilt. He insinuates himself inside her gently and deeply anchored there he cuddles her, stroking her back, hips, breasts. To abandon herself to her lover's desires still more, she draws up her legs and spreads them slightly to be able to, thus, proffer her vulva completely to the glans and penis shaft.

Still in the same position, the male lover can also amuse himself with the anal opening of his lover if he knows that she loves anal penetrations. Here the woman can relax in the best possible manner and the man has full control over the penetration of his penis into the warm and constricted opening, which she offers him with love and trust. He holds her by her hips, can bite her neck and have his hands pass over her breasts, while thrusting ever deeper. In both cases the man's desire is complete and of long duration. This position is proper for raising the sexual energy and sublimation it in pure love. To achieve this elevated emotion -pure love, during this position the lovers have not to concentrate to the genital pleasure, but they have to concentrate their attention to the heart area and become conscious of the flying feeling that this position produces. If the lovers abandon them to the flying feeling they feel that they are immersed in an ocean of pure love.

The caress of the bud Sex Position

The caress of the bud Sex Position
Lying on the stomach, legs interlaced, the man and the woman turn with their backs to each other. However, the special effect of this position may be somewhat painful for some men, whose short and thick penis can only be flexed with difficulty. In the continuation of this position the woman, who maintains her balance with one arm now facing her lover and who is supported on the man's body, is only titillated at the entrance to her vagina by the glans. Naturally this is only foreplay to deeper coitus. The ma n inserts his erect penis into the vagina by turning gently to one side. The vagina is now ready to receive it in its totality.

This position is proper for those lovers who are beginners in the art of sexual energy control. "The caress of the bud" position offers to the lovers the possibility to become more conscious about intensity of pleasure and also to reduce it by stopping the movement when they feel they are get close to the climax. For sublimation the sexual energy they have to concentrate their attention in the middle of the forehead. This will induce a clear-minded state in both lovers, which will help them to control the sexual energy and to sublimate it in more elevated energies.

Penetration with Deep Backward Movement Sex Position Variant 2

Penetration with Deep Backward Movement Sex Position Variant 2
The lovers place themselves so, that his penis is aimed at her buttocks from the rear. When he inserts his penis into the woman's vulva, he pulls her pelvis up to the level of his own waist and at the same time forces her to incline the upper part of her body forwards. To maintain better balance so that he can convey to her his full vigour, she supports herself on her lover's ankles. The way the vagina is massaged by the penis and the penis is suckled by the vulva gives the pair a deep feeling of yearning in this position.

"Penetration with deep backward movement" position helps both lovers to raise the sexual energy along the spine till the top head. The standing up position of the man makes him capable to have more control on sexual energy. The woman's position determines the flowing of her erotic energy to the top head and that's why she will experience different types of elevated orgasm. This position requires to the man to have enough force in his arms to keep the woman's position as long as possible.

The see saw Sex Position Variant 2

The see saw Sex Position Variant 2
The lovers face each other. Then the man lifts the woman up to the level of his waist. She can either hold him by his arms or around his neck. Penetrated by the entire length of the penis, she allows her narrow vagina to slide along the erect shaft. The man can press her very closely to himself, an embrace she can simplify for him by squeezing her legs tightly around his waist.

In this position the penis massages the entire vagina. Helped by the power of her arms, the woman can make strong coming and going movements in tune with those of her lover. In this way both man and woman will feel a deep pleasure. The standing position of the man gives him more control on sexual energy. Both lovers have to guide the sexual energy along the spine towards the crown in order to avoid the man's ejaculatory orgasm and the woman's discharging orgasm. This will generate a sublimation of the basic energy in happiness and pure love.

Crab Sex Position

Crab Sex Position
At the beginning both man and woman lie on one side. Then the man comes between the woman's legs and introduces his hard member into her swollen and moisten vagina. The woman catches tightly the man's waist with her thighs in order to feel him better inside her. This position enables the lovers to look at each other -to see how their desire mounts and to express their love. They can exchange hugs, kisses, bites and gentle caresses. All these increase the intensity of pleasure and transform "THE CRAB" position into one of the most arousing positions.

The woman can gently push her pelvis, tuning her moving with the man's coming and going movements. She can spread out her legs in order to take up the full length of her lover's penis.

If the man feels that he is getting close to the ejaculatory orgasm he has to stop moving and focus his attention in the heart area in order to sublimate the sexual energy. This is available for the woman, too.

The Ripe Mango Plum Sex Position

The Ripe Mango Plum Sex Position
The man plunges into her with great sensitivity to start revolving movements somewhat more forcefully with his penis, which is very exciting for both lovers. To penetrate even more deeply he sits up over his lover, spreads her legs and inserts his penis into the swollen mango plum well supplied with blood by the adroit massage. This sexual posture is a very arousing one for both lovers.

The raised position of the woman's pelvis allow to the sexual energy to "flow" towards thyroid gland area. This could induce in woman a very elevated type of orgasm. The man has to stop his movements when he feels he or she is get close to the climax in order to avoid his ejaculatory orgasm or her discharging orgasm. "The ripe mango plum" position allows the sublimation of the sexual energy in purity and ingenuity.

The Door Ajar Sex Position

The Door Ajar Sex Position
The man holds his lover by the hips and then he takes one of his lover's legs and draws it back gently. In order not to lose any of the penis' length the woman, pivoting slightly to the side, reaches around her lover's neck.

Well lubricated from the other positions the vulva is now moistened, enabling the penis to slide easily, massaging the sides of the vagina. Both lovers have to concentrate their attention in the middle of the forehead in order to avoid the man's ejaculatory orgasm and the woman's explosive orgasm. In this way they will become more conscious about the sexual energy.

Avariant of the Seesaw Sex Position

Avariant of the Seesaw Sex Position
This is a rather tricky position as far as execution goes, but very profound for feelings. The lovers face each other. The man lifts the woman up to the level of his waist. She can either hold him by his arms or around his neck. Still with her legs at the level of her lover's waist, the woman lets down the upper part of her body till her head reaches the bed. Then she lets down one of her legs and with man's help, she introduces it between his legs. The supple women practice this position successfully.

Penetrated by the entire length of the penis, she allows her narrow vagina to slide along the erect shaft. The man can press her very closely to himself. In this position the penis massages the entire vagina. Helped by the power of his arms, the man can do strong back and forth movements.

The standing position of the man gives him more control on the sexual energy. Both lovers have to guide the sexual energy along the spine towards the crown in order to avoid the man's ejaculatory orgasm and the woman's explosive orgasm. This will generate a sublimation of the basic energy in deep happiness.

Face to Face Sex Position

Face to Face Sex Position
Leaning on her palms and soles, the woman lifts her pelvis so that the man can introduce his penis in her vagina. Being kneeled he can catch the waist of his lover with one or even with both hands. This position enables the lovers to look at each other -to see how their desire mounts and to express their love.

The woman can gently push her pelvis, tuning her moving with the man's coming and going movements. She can spread out her legs in order to take up the full length of her lover's penis.

If the man feels that he is getting close to the ejaculatory orgasm he has to stop moving and focus his attention in the heart area in order to sublimate the sexual energy. This is available for the woman, too.

Pincers from the Front Sex Position

Pincers from the Front Sex Position
Here it is another so-called resting position for the man, whose virile member is skillfully massaged by the woman from the front.

The man does not move. The woman inserts the whole length of the penis in her vagina, supporting herself on her arms and pressing his member like a pair of pincers. She can make either coming and going movements or circular movements.

The man can either make brief thrusts with his pelvis in order to meet her halfway or acts as if he were going to withdraw totally, living her almost completely in order to penetrate her open vagina anew, which is very moist in this position. This provides her with a very pleasant massage upwards.

This position is recommended for the beginners in the art of sexual continence because it favours to raise the sexual energy along the spine till the crown.

Riding the Horse Sex Position

Riding the Horse Sex Position
The man supports himself on palms and soles. First the woman rides on her lover inserting deeply his erect penis in her vagina. After this she turns to the right and places her right leg under the left leg of her lover and draws down her body leaning either on one palm or on both palms. Then she places the other leg with the sole on the man's chest. The woman is active in this position, making coming and going movements. The man responds to woman's movements by moving his pelvis in order to penetrate the entire vagina of his lover.

"Riding the horse" position gives intense pleasure to both lovers and amplifies the passion of lovemaking.

Both lovers have to concentrate their attention around the navel in order to sublimate the sexual energy in subtle fire. In this way the lovers will be full of energy and passion.

Climbing the Tree Sex Position

Climbing the Tree  Sex Position
This is one of the most beautiful positions from the Kama Sutra. The woman standing next to the man wraps her legs stretched more or less high around him, as if she wants to climb a tree -with the difference that she uses his penis as a strong branch to prevent her falling. Then the woman put down one of her legs, placing it between those of her lover. The woman can keep the other leg around man's waist or she can place it on his shoulder if she has enough suppleness.

This position requires for the lovers to have almost the same height in order to perform it. The lovers face each other and they can exchange all manner of caresses, pinching and kissing each other, their looks reciprocally registering their mounting lust. This variant of "Climbing the tree" position is a very good position for controlling the sexual energy. Generally the standing positions increase the power of control over the energies. The lovers will feel different kind of orgasm according to the level at which they raise the sexual energy.

The Open Pincer sex Position

The Open Pincer sex Position
This is one of the most fulfilling positions of submission for a man. Laying on her back the woman opens her thighs completely. Her lover takes hold of her ankles, so that she is forced to spread her thighs even more. She cannot fight against his penetration in any way with her legs opened like this.

He can explore her to his heart's content -gently with the total length of his penis or which will increase her desire for more -he can insert and retract his member forcefully. In this position the strong penetrations of the man can produce the awaken of the Kundalini energy of the woman.

During "The open pincer" position both lovers have to focus their attention in order to guide the vital and sexual energy along the spine till the crown.

The Top sex position

The Top sex position
"The TOP" position, being pretty close to the missionary position, also named in Kama Sutra "Driving the nail home", makes it easy for the man approach it without having to withdraw his penis from his lover's vagina. That is why the lovers should perform "The top" position after the classical one in order to keep in contact their genitals. Tantric masters recommend to the lovers to keep in contact their sexual organs during the intercourse, because in this way it is not interrupted the energetic exchange between lovers that is launch during the erotic act.

The woman should not be passive in this position. By holding the man's thighs she can press his pelvis on hers, helping him to penetrate her deeply. As same as "Driving the nail home" position, "The top" position is not recommended for the beginners in the art of sexual continence because it favours the accumulation of the sexual energy in the genital area. That is why the man has to make slow motions and to focus his attention in the cardiac plexus in order to control the sexual energy and to avoid the ejaculation. This is recommended for woman, too.

The Top Position sex position variant 1

The Top Position sex position variant 1
Lying on her back, upheld and blocked by the man's thighs, who penetrates her in a controlled press-up, the woman is massaged firmly on the sides, taking up the full length of the penis. This position should be performed after the "The top" position in order to maintain in contact the sexual organs of the lovers.

At the moment when the man feels that he is getting close to the ejaculatory orgasm he has to stop his motions and remain still at least 30 seconds in order to avoid ejaculation. As same as "The top" position, this position produces intense pleasure to both lovers and it favours the accumulation of the sexual energy in the genital area. The lovers have to focus their attention in the middle of the forehead in order to sublimate the sexual energy at the level of the sixth chakra (AJNA CHAKRA). Thus the lovers will increase their power of control over the sexual energy.

Driving the Nail home sex position variant 1

Driving the Nail home sex position variant 1
Facing her, laying on top of her, supporting himself on his soles, the man plunges into her with strong thrusts. With widely spread thighs she receives him right up to the hilt. The man can move his pelvis either back and forth or up and down. Contrary to all expectation the woman doesn't have to be passive in this position. She has to catch the man's thighs with her hands and draw him towards her in order to penetrate her vagina deeper. In this position the man's strong thrusts could provoke the awakening of the woman's Kundalini Shakti.

When the man feels that he is getting close to the ejaculatory orgasm he has to stop his movements for few seconds and focus his attention in the crown in order to guide the sexual energy along the spine to the crown. Same for the woman, too.

Pincers from the front sex position variant 1

Pincers from the front sex position variant 1
The woman lies on her back while the man fills her open vulva completely. She places her legs on his shoulders and catches the man's arms in order to help him raise her. In this way, the woman imprisons the man's penis offering him intense pleasure. He plunges into her deeply and forcefully, so that she can feel the length of his member for all it's worth. The man can make back and forth movements and the woman has to be in tune with her lover.

In this position the man can achieve a good stimulation of the woman's G-spot and therefore she can reach the G-spot orgasm.

This position is recommended for the beginners in the art of sexual continence because it favours the raising of the sexual energy along the spine till the crown.

Massage and Sucking on the Mast sex position variant 2

Massage and Sucking on the Mast sex position variant 2
Here it is another so-called resting position for the man, whose hard and large member is skilfully massaged by the woman. The man does not move. The woman inserts the whole length of the penis by herself, supporting herself on her kneels. The man can stretch his legs if he feels more pleasure in this position. Sitting slightly in front of the man's thighs, the woman receives the man's phallusto the degree she chooses.

The man can hold her hips and help her when she presses her pelvis on him or he can tap her buttocks with his palms having the fingers spread out. These flicks help the woman raise her sexual energy along the spine. This position is recommended for the beginners in the art of lovemaking with sexual continence because it helps to sublimate the sexual energy in more refined energies. Both lovers have to focus their attention in the middle of the forehead in order to guide the sexual energy towards the sixth chakra -Ajna Chakra. In this way, they will experience a inner peace and happiness.

The seesaw sex position variant 2

The seesaw sex position variant 2
The man sits comfortably on a chair. The woman is the one who actively impales herself on the man's erect phallus. This position enables lovers to look at each other, to see how their desire mounts and above all to exchange mutual caresses. By catching the woman's buttocks, the man draws her pelvis towards him and completely fills the woman's open vulva.

 Missionary Sex Position (Man on Top) somewhat limits the ways a man can use his hands to caress his partner, but the woman can use her hands freely to caress the man or better yet, stimulate her clitoris. With this good sex position the woman lies on her back with her legs spread. Either the man or the woman can guide the penis into the vagina. The man can lie flat on the woman if his weight is not uncomfortable on her, or he can support some or all of his weight on his elbows, hands or knees while using this good sex position.

When the man feels that he is getting close to the pre-orgasmic level he has to stop and focus his attention on the crown in order to guide the sexual energy upwards. The vertical position of the lovers' trunks gives them more control over the sexual energy. Both lovers have to guide the sexual energy along the spine towards the crown in order to avoid the man's ejaculatory orgasm and the woman's explosive orgasm. This will generate a sublimation of the basic energy in deep happiness.

Blows of the Planting Pin Sex Position

Blows of the Planting Pin Sex Position
Here it is another so-called resting position for the man, whose erect member is skilfully massaged by the woman from the front.

After one or two hours of intercourse with sexual continence the man can adopt this position in order to rest and to restore his vigour. In this position the two lovers exchange their roles; the woman becomes active and the man becomes passive. The woman impales herself on the man's hard member. She rocks back and forth and, in this way, controls the depth of the penetration.

Holding her hips, the man has to draw her pelvis towards him and, in this way, to help her take his penis up to the hilt.

She can play with his entire length and when his penis is completely inside her, she can feel his pubic hair and scrotum on the lips of her vulva, which are opened wide in this position. The woman lets her lover's penis slide in her swollen, moist and glistening vagina. When she feels that her lover is getting close to the ejaculatory orgasm she has to stop her moving.

Both lovers have to focus their attention in the navel area in order to produce the sublimation of the sexual energy in pure passion.

Missionary Sex Position ( Man on top Sex Position)

Missionary Sex Position ( Man on top Sex Position)
Most couples' main sex selection is the Missionary Sex Position (Man on Top). This good sex position is the most common of all sexual intercourse positions. The missionary position is the most common lovemaking position because: it is comfortable it allows a great deal of body contact it allows good depth of penetration you can kiss and hold each other at the same time.

Lying on her back, upheld and blocked by the man's thighs (who penetrates her in a controlled press-up), the woman is massaged firmly on the sides, taking up the full length of the penis. At the moment when he wants to feel more pleasure, he allows his weight to fall on her even more. In the same time the woman will feel him more intensely. "The top" position gives intense pleasure to both lovers and amplifies the sexual energy. This is why the beginners in the art of lovemaking with sexual continence wouldn't start the intercourse with it. Both lovers have to concentrate their attention in the heart area in order to sublimate the sexual energy in more refined forms of energies. When the woman feels that her lover is get close to the climax she has to stop the man's movements and to press firmly with her thumb on the middle of the forehead. Thus, his attention will be removed from the genital area to forehead area, helping the rising of the sexual energy along the spine.

In this Face to face Missionary position Leaning on her palms and soles, the woman lifts her pelvis so that the man can introduce his penis in her vagina. Being kneeled he can catch the waist of his lover with one or even with both hands. This position enables the lovers to look at each other - to see how their desire mounts and to express their love. The woman can push gently her pelvis, tuning her moving with the man's coming and going movements. She can spread out largely her legs in order to take up the full length of her lover's penis. If the man feels that he is get close to the ejaculatory orgasm he has to stop moving and focus his attention in the heart area in order to sublimate the sexual energy. This is available for the woman too.

Getting a woman to come to a strong and satisfying orgasm in missionary position many men are on an ongoing search to find out how to do. And since the average woman would like to be face to face with her lover when she comes, she too would like to know how to achieve this. In this position The woman lies on her back with her legs spread and her knees raised while the man enters her vagina with his penis The man can either lie flat on the woman if he is not too heavy in weight and it is not uncomfortable for her, or he can support some or all of his weight on his elbows, hands or knees (sometimes the weight of the man on them can restrict a woman's pelvic movement) The woman can wrap her legs around the man's hips, back, or over his shoulders, the higher her legs the deeper the man may penetrate with his penis

In this position, it's virtually impossible for most women to come to orgasm because their clitoris isn't being stimulated. Nearly all of a woman's most sensitive nerves are on their clit, while the less sensitive ones are on their inner lips, near the opening. A woman can of course still come from the stimulation of her inner lips, but it wouldn't be as strong as she would like it to be. The following is for the very few women out there who can still have a satisfying orgasm with your penis inside her, where her clit isn't being stimulated. Both can come to orgasm, while he is inside her. Most women would prefer to come to a strong orgasm while her lover is on top because she is face to face with him. She is able to hold her arms around him, while he does the same to her.

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Climbing the Tree Sex Position Variant 2

Climbing the Tree Sex Position Variant 2
This is another variant of the most beautiful position from the Kama Sutra. The man standing in front of the woman lifts her so that her vulva fits to his penis. She wraps her legs stretched more or less around him while his virile member slides deeply into her moisten vagina.

Holding her buttocks, he draws her pelvis toward him, filling up her vagina completely. The lovers face each other and they can exchange all kinds of caresses, pinching and kissing each other. They can glance full of lust each other and thus, mounting their passion. This variant of "Climbing the tree" position is a very good position for man's sexual energy control because the standing position increases the power of control over the energies. Also the vertical position of the woman's trunk enables a better control over her sexual energy. The lovers have to focus their attention in the crown in order to sublimate the sexual energy in more refined energies and therefore achieving more and more elevated states of consciousness.

Face to Face Sex Position Variant 1

Face to Face Sex Position Variant 1
The woman lies on her back, near the edge of the bed. She spreads her legs, placing one of them on the floor. Facing her, laying on top of her, the man plunges into woman's vagina with strong thrusts. One of his legs is stretched and placed on the floor and the other is folded.

With widely spread thighs the woman receives her lover right up to the hilt. The man can explore her to his heart's content -gently with the total length of his penis or -which will increase her desire for more -he can insert and retract his penis forcefully. This position favours the complete intimacy of the genital zones of the lovers. It is not recommended for the beginners in the art of sexual continence because it favours the accumulation of the sexual energy in the genital area. That is why the man has to stop his motions when he achieves the preorgastic level and to focus his attention in the cardiac plexus in order to guide the sexual energy along the spine and to avoid the ejaculation.

He Gazelle and the Stallion Sex Position Variant 1

He Gazelle and the Stallion Sex Position Variant 1
The lovers face each other. The man kneels in front of the woman and lifts her up to the level of his waist. She places her legs on the man's shoulders, imprisoning her lover's penis that slide easily in her well-lubricated vagina. The man holds the woman by the hips, so that he can penetrate as deeply as possible each time he enters.

This position has the great advantage of triggering strong vaginal sensations for the woman. The glans and the shaft of the penis excite the upper area of the vagina very much. To accentuate this massage even more, the woman can squeeze her thighs. This position helps the woman to have more control on pleasure because the sexual energy flows toward the head, generating an elevated type of orgasm.

The vertical position of the man's trunk gives him more control over the intensity of pleasure. Therefore, he can successfully avoid ejaculation.

Massage and Sucking on the Mast Sex Position Variant 2

Massage and Sucking on the Mast Sex Position Variant 2
Here it is another position from the range of the so-called resting positions for the man. The man does not move. Taking the active role, the woman inserts the whole length of the penis in her moisten vagina, supporting herself on her legs and on her lover's thighs. In this position the woman takes the man's phallus only to the degree she likes. After one or two hours of intercourse with sexual continence the man can adopt this position in order to rest and to restore his vigour.

Profiting from his position, the man can pinch and nibble his lover's nipples. They can exchange caresses and kisses and also they can look at each other seeing how their passion mounts.

The woman lets her lover's penis slide in her swollen, moist and glistening vagina. She can make either upward and downward movements or circular movements. When she feels that her lover is getting close to the ejaculatory orgasm she has to stop her moves. Both lovers have to guide their sexual energy along the spine towards the crown in order to avoid man's ejaculatory orgasm and woman's explosive orgasm. The woman can restart her movements when she feels that her lover regained control over the sexual energy.

The Concealed Door Sex Position Variant 1

The Concealed Door Sex Position Variant 1
The woman lies on her stomach. First, she encompasses her thighs, preparing herself to take him up to the hilt. The man, who lies on top of the woman, insinuates himself inside her moisten vagina. Then she draws her legs, letting the man's thighs encompass her legs. Deeply anchored in her vulva the man cuddles her, stroking her back, hips and breasts. The woman can contract her vaginal muscles in order to stimulate her lover's desires even more and she can tune these contractions with the man's thrusts. Still in the same position, the man can also penetrate the woman's anal opening if he knows that she loves anal penetrations. Here the woman should relax her sphincters in the best possible manner. The man has to have full control over the penetration of his penis into the warm and constricted opening, which she offers him with love and trust. In this position the man can bite the woman's neck and also can caress tenderly her breasts, while thrusting even deeper.

This position is proper for raising the sexual energy and sublimation it in pure love. To achieve this elevated emotion -pure love, during this position the lovers have not to concentrate to the genital pleasure, but they have to concentrate their attention to the heart area and become conscious of the flying feeling that this position produces. If the lovers abandon themselves to the flying feeling they will feel that they have immersed in an ocean of pure love.

Blows of the Planting Pin Sex Position Variant 1

Blows of the Planting Pin Sex Position Variant 1
After one or two hours of intercourse with sexual continence the man may adopt this position in order to rest and restore his vigour. He kneels in front of the woman and lifts her pelvis in order to introduce his virile member inside her moisten vagina.

Leaning on her palms, the woman moves her pelvis back and forth, massaging skilfully her lover's hard penis. She rocks backwards and forwards and, thus, controls the depth of penetration. Holding her waist, the man has to draw her pelvis towards him and, helping her to take his penis up to the hilt. She can play with his entire length and when his penis is in completely she can feel his pubic hair and scrotum on the lips of her vulva opened wide in this position. When she feels that her lover is close to the ejaculatory orgasm she has to stop her moving. Both lovers have to focus their attention in the crown of the head in order to sublimate the sexual energy into more refined forms of energy and thus experiencing very subtle states of consciousness, such as pure bliss.

The Close and the Open Ring Sex Position Variant 2

The Close and the Open Ring Sex Position Variant 2
Here we have two positions of total submission, where the woman receives the man only to the degree he likes. He penetrates her according to his rhythm, amusing himself by inserting and withdrawing his penis sometimes gently and sometimes forcefully. An experienced woman in the art of lovemaking will utilize this position to swing softly on her lover's thighs with her own thighs and to give her vagina, which is being bombarded from below.

These two variants of the "The closed and the opened ring" position allow to the man to become more conscious about intensity of pleasure and also to reduce it by stopping the movements when he feels he is get close to the climax. For sublimation the sexual energy both lovers have to concentrate their attention in the middle of the forehead. This will induce a clear-minded state in both lovers, which will help them to control the sexual energy and to sublimate it in more elevated energies.

The Close and the Open Ring Sex Position Variant 1

The Close and the Open Ring Sex Position Variant 1

The man lies on his back and he doesn't move. The woman inserts the whole length of her lover's penis inside her glistening vagina. Leaning on her palms, the woman takes the man's phallus only to the degree she likes.

She can place her palms either on the man's ankles or on the bed. She makes back and forth movements according to her rhythm, amusing herself by taking and leaving his penis sometimes gently and sometimes forcefully. The man can bring nearer his legs if he feels more pleasure in this position. He can hold either her hips or her soles, drawing her towards him or he can tap her buttocks with his palms having the fingers spread out. These flicks help the woman to raise her sexual energy along the spine.

This position is recommended for the beginners in the art of lovemaking with sexual continence because it helps the sublimation of the sexual energy into more refined forms of energy. Both lovers have to focus their attention in the middle of the forehead. Thus, they will experience a deep peace and happiness.

Lumber Jack Sex Position

Lumber Jack Sex Position
While the woman lies in an open position with her shoulders pressed against the bed, the man sits with his back to her lover and plunges into her deeply. Supporting on feet his, the man moves forcefully his virile member into the woman's slippery vagina.

The woman spreads her legs in order to receive the entire shaft of her lover's penis. In this position the woman's vagina is a little bit constricted, which gives great pleasure to the man. Moreover, the man's hard member can reach the woman's cervix, which is very arousing for both man and woman.

Another important thing that has to be mentioned is that the man's strong thrusts could provoke the awakening of the woman's Kundalini Shakti. The lovers have to discover their own forceful rhythm that generates the awakening of their Kundalini Shakti. This position is recommended for those lovers who want to awaken Kundalini using the enchanting way of intercourse with sexual continence When the man feels that he is getting close to the ejaculatory orgasm he has to stop his movements and focus his attention in the crown in order to guide the sexual energy along the spine. This is available for the woman, too.

Pivot Sex Position Variant 1

Pivot Sex Position Variant 1

During intercourse, after a position face to face, the woman turns around slightly till she arrives with her back in front of her lover. Then she places her shanks under her lover's thighs, imprisoning the man's virile member inside her tight vagina. Leaning on her palms, the woman gives her swollen vulva to his lover by moving up and down. By squirming and raising herself a little, she takes up just the length of his penis she wants to feel in herself. The man does not move; he only enjoys the woman's play. Profiting from his position the man can stroke his lover's buttocks.

"The pivot" position allows man to become more conscious of the intensity of pleasure and also to reduce it by stopping the woman's movements when he feels he is approaching the climax. For sublimation of the sexual energy both lovers have to concentrate their attention in the middle of the forehead. This will induce a state of mental clarity in both lovers, which will help them to control the sexual energy and to sublimate it in more elevated energies.
That's why this position is recommended for men who have started to practise sexual continence.

Submission under the Nail Sex Position

Submission under the Nail Sex Position

The woman lies on one side. The man, having one leg bent and the other placed on the floor inserts his virile member inside his lover's wet vagina. Then the woman bends her knee in order to imprison the man's hard penis into her tight vagina.

Firmly planted in the vaginal opening, the man draws strongly the woman's pelvis towards his. He can insert and withdraw his member as he sees fit and in the same time he guides his thrusts by the woman's moanings, which are very arousing for a man.

The vertical position of the man's trunk gives him more control over the intensity of pleasure. Therefore, he can successfully avoid ejaculation. The man has to stop his movements when he achieves the preorgastic level and both lovers have to focus their attention in the cardiac plexus in order to guide the sexual energy along the spine. Thus, they could achieve in the same time the ecstasy of love.

Sexual Positions : Blows of the Planting Pin Position Variant 2

Sexual Positions : Blows of the Planting Pin Position Variant 2
The man kneels in front of the woman and lifts the woman's pelvis in order to penetrate her moisten vagina. The woman lies on one side, legs interlaced. She receives the man's phallus and when his penis is in completely she can feel his pubic hair and scrotum on the lips of her vulva opened wide in this position.

Holding her waist, he rocks backwards and forwards and, thus, controls the depth of penetration. The woman catches with one hand the man's buttock, pushing his pelvis against hers in order to take his penis up to the hilt.

Both lovers have to focus their attention in the area of the neck and head in order to sublimate the sexual energy to superior levels and experience subtle states of consciousness, such as divine bliss.

गर्भ से बचने के लिये मॉर्निंग ऑफ्टर पिल्स कब तक ले लेनी चाहिये?

गर्भ से बचने के लिये मॉर्निंग ऑफ्टर पिल्स (morning after pill) कब तक ले लेनी चाहिये?

जितनी जल्दी हो सके ले लेनी चाहिये। मॉर्निंग ऑफ्टर पिल्स (बर्थ कंट्रोल पिल्स) पहले के 24 घंटे में 95 प्रतिशत तक असरदायक होती है. धीरे धीरे इसका असर कम होने लगता है और 72 घंटों के अंदर इसका असर 60 प्रतिशत तक ही रह जाता है।

गर्भ कैसे ठहरता है? गर्भाधान या फर्टिलाइजेशन की प्रक्रिया क्या है? (Process of pregnancy)

गर्भ कैसे ठहरता है? गर्भाधान या फर्टिलाइजेशन की प्रक्रिया क्या है? (Process of pregnancy)

गर्भ की प्रक्रिया समझने के लिये स्त्री के प्रजनन अंगों को समझना जरुरी है। स्त्री के प्रजनन अंगों को चार भागों में बांटा गया है- ओवरी, डिम्बवाहिनी नली, गर्भाशय और योनि। ओवरी बादाम की तरह और लगभग उसी के आकार की दो ग्रथियां होती हैं। स्त्रियों में मौजूद इन्हीं ओवरियों में मनुष्य को जन्म देने वाले लगभग चार लाख जीवित अण्डे किशोरावस्था के आने तक सुप्त अवस्था में पड़े रहते हैं। प्रथम मासिक-धर्म के शुरू होते ही इस बात की सूचना मिल जाती है कि लड़की अब किशोरी हो गई है। इसके साथ ही उसके संपूर्ण संतानोत्पादक अंग सचेत होकर अपने-अपने कार्य में जुड़ जाते हैं। किशोरावस्था के आरंभ होते ही ओवरी में सोए हुए अंडे सचेत होकर बाहर निकलने का प्रयास करने लगते हैं। साधारणः लगभग 28 दिनों के अंतराल से दोनों ओवरियों में से किसी एक ओवरी में एक साथ कई अंडे पकने शुरू हो जाते हैं, लेकिन अंतिम रूप से केवल एक ही अंडा पककर बाहर निकलने योग्य हो पाता है, बाकी सब सूखकर बेकार हो जाते हैं।

मासिक धर्म के बाद लगभग 10 दिनों तक यह अंडा ओवरी के अंदर अपनी छोटी सी पुटिका में बंद होकर पुटिका सहित बढ़ता रहता है। अंत में यह ओवरी के ऊपरी सतह पर उभरकर एक छोटा सा छाला बनकर दिखता है। पक जाने पर यह पुटिका फट जाती है और पका हुआ अंडा ओवरी से अलग हो जाता है। स्त्री की संपूर्ण आयु में लगभग 30 वर्षों तक प्रति माह एक अंडा (डिम्ब) ओवरी से बाहर निकलता है। इस प्रकार ओवरी के अंदर कुल चार लाख अंडों में से केवल 400 या 445 अंडे ओवरी से बाहर निकलते हैं। बाकी अंडे पूरी तरह न पक सकने के कारण नष्ट हो जाते हैं या उनके पकने की कभी बारी ही नहीं आती।

यह निश्चित करना असंभव है कि किस ओवरी से अंडा पककर बाहर निकलेगा। एक माह में दोनों ओवरियों से साथ-साथ अलग-अलग अंडे पककर निकल सकते हैं। प्रत्येक ओवरी के निकट ऊपर की ओर मांस की एक पतली सी नली होती है- लगभग साढ़े पांच इंच लंबी। इसे डिम्बवाहिनी नली या फेलोपिन ट्यूब कहते हैं। इन नलियों का एक-एक सिरा ओवरी के समीप होता है। इसके साथ ही इन सिरों में से अनेक रेशे जैसे लटकते रहते हैं। इन नलियों के दूसरे सिरे कुछ पतले होकर गर्भाशय के ऊपर की ओर आकर दाएं-बाए मिल जाते हैं। ओवरी से ज्यों ही पका हुआ अंडा बाहर निकलता है, डिम्बवाहिनी के सिरे पर झूमते हुए रेशे उस अंडे को हाथी की सूंड की तरह पकड़कर नली के मुख छिद्र में डालकर अंदर धकेल देता है।

अब यह डिम्ब लहराती हुई नली से रोमाभ (रोम की तरह बाल के रेशे) की पकड़ में आ जाता है। यह रोमाभ इस नए मेहमान को आदर सहित धीरे-धीरे धकेलकर नली के दूसरी ओर गर्भाशय में प्रवेश कराने के लिए आगे बढ़ाते रहते हैं। डिम्बवाहिनी नली की यात्रा पूर्ण करने में प्रायः 3 से 6 दिन तक का समय लग सकता है। ओवरी के अंदर रहकर ज्यों-ज्यों अंडे का विकास होता रहता है, स्त्री की कामवासना दिन-प्रतिदिन बढ़ती जाती है। जिस दिन डिम्ब, ओवरी को फोड़कर बाहर निकलता है, उस दिन विशेष रूप से कुछ अधिक बेचैनी अनुभव होती है जो प्रायः 2-3 दिन में ठंडी पड़ जाती है।
इसका कारण यह है कि पके हुए अंडे यानी डिम्ब में पूर्णता प्राप्त करने के लिए पुरुष के वीर्य में उपस्थित स्पर्म से मिलने की इच्छा होती है जो स्त्री की कामुक भावना से स्पष्ट होती है। मासिक-धर्म के प्रायः 10 दिन बाद डिम्ब ओवरी से बाहर निकलता है जिसे ओवूलेशन क्रिया कहते हैं। इस दिन यदि वह स्त्री किसी पुरुष से समागम करती है तो पुरुष के वीर्य में उपस्थित करोड़ों स्पर्म किसी न किसी तरह गर्भाशय के मुख छिद्र में प्रवेश कर ऊपर डिम्बवाहिनी नलियों में पहुंच कर वहां पहले से उपस्थित पके हुए डिम्ब से मिल जाने का प्रयत्न करते हैं। इन शुक्राणुओं का शरीर बहुत सूक्ष्म धागे की तरह होता है। इसके 2 भाग होते हैं- एक सिर तथा दूसरा पूंछ।

यह शुक्राणु इतने छोटे और चंचल होते हैं कि इनके लिए 5 या 6 इंच की यह छोटी सी यात्रा कठिन प्रतीत होती है। इस कठिन परिस्थिति में एक शुक्र के शायद जीवित बचने की आशा करना व्यर्थ है। इस बात को ध्यान में रखकर प्रकृति भी इस कठिनतम परीक्षा के लिए एक साथ करोड़ों शुक्राणुओं को निमंत्रण देती है। जीवन-मरण की इस दौड़ में शायद एक या दो शुक्राणु सफल हो पाते हैं क्योंकि योनि से लेकर डिम्बवाहिनी नली तक के मार्ग में अनेक बाधाएं इन नन्हे यात्रियों के प्राण ले लेती हैं।

 सबसे पहले समागम के समय ही योनि के अंदर चारों तरफ की दीवारों में छिपी ग्रंथियों से एक तरल व चिकना पानी जैसा द्रव निकला करता है। इस द्रव में तेजाब के गुण होते हैं। वीर्य के साथ जो शुक्राणु योनि में आ जाते हैं, उन्हें यहां आते ही सबसे पहले तेजाब सागर में गोते लगाने पड़ते हैं जिससे अधिकांश शुक्राणु तो यहीं मौत के घात उतर जाते हैं जो थोड़े बहुत किसी तरह जीवित बच जाते हैं, वे शीघ्रता से गर्भाशय के मुख छिद्र द्वारा अंदर प्रवेश कर जाते हैं। इन शुक्राणुओं को डिम्बवाहिनी नली तक पहुचने के लिए चारों ओर चिपचिपी दीवार, पहाड़-पहाड़ियों की तरह उभरी हुई मांस की गद्दियों और चिपचिपे तरल पदार्थों की झीलों को पार करना पड़ता है।
इस शुक्राणुओं को अंडे तक पहुंचने में डेढ़-दो दिन का समय लग जाता है। यदि ओवूलेशन क्रिया के बाद के 1-2 दिन में ही स्त्री किसी पुरुष से मिलाप नहीं कर पाती तो गर्भाधान का प्रश्न नहीं उठता, क्योंकि बाद में डिम्ब में अपनी नली से निकलकर गर्भाशय में पहुंचकर शुक्राणुओं से मिलने की शक्ति नहीं रहती। जैसे ही कोई शुक्राणु नली के इस छोर पर इंतजार करते हुए अंडे के पास पहुंचता है, वैसे ही वे दोनों अपनी परस्पर आकर्षक शक्ति के कारण इतनी व्याकुलता और व्यग्रता से आलिंगन करते हैं कि देखते ही नन्हा-सा शुक्राणु अपने तीर जैसे नुकीले सिरे को डिम्ब की खाल में गड़ाकर किसी तरह घूम-घूमकर दीवार में छेद करता हुआ अंदर घुस जाता है। अंडा शुक्राणु को अपने में आत्मसात कर लेता है। बस इस क्रिया को गर्भाधान या अंग्रेजी में फर्टिलाइजेशन कहते हैं। अब इस गर्भित अंडे में अनेक नए परिवर्तन होने लगते हैं और तब यह अंडा शीघ्रता से एक जगह जमकर बैठने के लिए उपयुक्त स्थान की खोज करता हुआ डिम्बवाहिनी नली से बाहर निकलकर गर्भाशय में प्रवेश करता है।

गर्भाशय के चारों ओर मुलायम मांस की रस भरी गद्दियां बनकर बिछ जाती हैं ताकि गर्भिक अंडे को कहीं भी जमकर अंकुरित होने की सुविधा मिल सके। इसके अतिरिक्त ओवरियों को भी गर्भाधान की सूचना तुरंत मिल जाती है। जिससे इन ओवरियों में अगले 9 महीने अंडे का पककर निकलना बंद हो जाता है और न ही कोई शुक्राणु अंदर आ पाता है। मासिक-धर्म का क्रम भी रुक जाता है। स्त्री गर्भवती हो जाती है।

यदि आपकी मां और बहन के स्तन छोटे हों तो क्या आपके भी छोटे होंगे?

यदि आपकी मां और बहन के स्तन छोटे हों तो क्या आपके भी छोटे होंगे?

स्तन के माप पर जीन सम्बन्धी कुछ प्रभाव रहता है। कुछ स्वास्थ्य विशेषज्ञ इस प्रकार विवाद करते हैं। एक ही परिवार में मां, बहन और बेटी के स्तन माप में अन्तर दिखाई देना कोई असामान्य बात नहीं हैं।

क्या अलग-अलग माप के स्तनों का होना सामान्य माना जाएगा?
अलग-अलग माप के स्तनों का होना अत्यन्त सामान्य है। यौवनारम्भ में जब स्तनों का विकास होता है तो लड़कियों के स्तनों और निप्पलों का माप अलग-अलग होना अत्यन्त बात है। हर कोई अलग होता है, किन्ही दो महिलाओं के सतन एक जैसे नहीं दिख सकते। वस्तुतः मानवों में विषमता एक सामान्य बात है- कि उनके हाथ पैर आदि शारीरिक अंग अपने साथी से अलग आकार और माप के होते हैं। उन्हें एक माप का बनाने के लिए सहायक ब्रा या अन्य विशिष्ट सामग्री की मदद से उन्हें एक जैसा बनाया जा सकता है। उनसे मदद मिल सकती है।

यदि किसी के स्तन छोटे हो तो क्या करना चाहिए?
स्तन ग्रन्थियों और मोट टिशुस से बनते हैं। स्तन के माप का निर्धारण चर्बी की मात्रा से होता है अतः इन्हें बड़ा करने का एक साधन तो यही है कि अपना वजन बढ़ा लो। प्रोटीन बहुल भोजन जैसे कि दालें- सोयाबीन, राजमा आदि अण्डे, दूध मांसाहार और चपाती, ब्राउन ब्रेड, चावल, मेवे आदि स्वास्थ्यवर्धक कार्बोहाइड्रेडस को अधिक मात्रा में लेने से बढ़ सकाता है। व्यायाम करने से देखने में बड़े लगने लगते हैं, चर्बी नहीं बढ़ती, स्तनों के नीचे मांसपेशियां बड़ी हो जाती हैं।

माहवारी के दौरान स्तनों में बदलाव & स्तन माप (breast size)

माहवारी के दौरान स्तनों में बदलाव & स्तन माप (breast size)
माहवारी के दौरान स्तनों में क्या बदलाव महसूस होता है?
माहवारी से तुरन्त पहले औरतें अपने स्तनों में साइकलिकल बदलाव महसूस करती है जैसे कि सूजन दर्द, ढीलापन आदि। यह प्राकृतिक है और इस्ट्रोजन एवं प्रोजेस्टीरोन नामक हॉरमोन्स के प्रभाव से होता है।

लड़की के स्तन कब बनने शुरू होते हैं?
यह समझ लेना महत्वपूर्ण है कि सतनों के बनने के समय में प्राकृतिक विविधता है। उदाहरण के लिए किसी के स्तन 9 वर्ष की आयु में उगते हैं तो किसी प्राकृतिक रूप से 14 वर्ष में शुरू भी नहीं होते।

स्तन कितने बड़े होने चाहिए?
स्वास्थ्य की दृष्टि से कोई आदर्श माप नहीं है। हममें से कुछ लम्बे हैं तो कुछ नाटे। इसी प्रकार किसी के बड़े, मध्यम या छोटे स्तन होते हैं।